Help Hearts IN HANDS Feed The Communities

Help Hearts IN HANDS Feed The Communities

Good morning beautiful ladies Who would love to join us UWA ladies tomorrow packing food items for the Less Fortunate. There will be music, coffee and just bonding together of giving back!! I can’t wait to see you all tomorrow 73 Nguni WayUnit 38 Acacia Business...
Let’s help rebuild South Africa

Let’s help rebuild South Africa

There is only one way in which we can move forward & rebuild – TOGETHER. We need your help collecting food packs, clothing, dog and cat food. These will be distributed to those in dire need. These are the drop off points in Durban North/Umhlanga: Granny...

Knitting for Change! 1000 Beanies!

We are knitting 1000 beanies for the Open Door Crisis Care Centre, from newborns to adults – all ages and sizes. Help us keep South Africa warm and make a difference by joining our sisterhood and kintting, crocheting and contributing to this very worthy project...
April Heroine Thora Mansfeild

April Heroine Thora Mansfeild

CURRICULUM VITAE THORA MANSFIELD – THE OPEN DOOR CRISIS CARE CENTRE The Open Door Crisis Care Centre was founded in 1997 to address gender-based violence and serves as a multifaceted, multi-disciplinary nonprofit “ONE-STOP” trauma and counselling centre SPEAKER...
Congratulations to Cheyénne Pinn our UWA Heroine

Congratulations to Cheyénne Pinn our UWA Heroine

Cheyénne Pinn Congratulations to Danville Diamond Cheyénne (14 years old), who in December and January collected and put together appreciation packs for frontline workers to show how much they are appreciated.Since starting Cheyénne has prepared 550 appreciation packs...