There is only one way in which we can move forward & rebuild – TOGETHER.
We need your help collecting food packs, clothing, dog and cat food. These will be distributed to those in dire need.
These are the drop off points in Durban North/Umhlanga:
Granny Griffs – Helene Griffiths
082 570 6730
2B Uitsig Road, Durban North
NS Xulu Inc. – Nompumelelo Xulu
084 772 8804
21 Aurora Drive, 1st Floor; Liberty Life Building;
Umhlanga Ridge;
Drop off points in Highway area:
Bunnyhop Documents – Sue Davidson
082 772 1482
14 Melissa Crescent, New Germany
Striving Mind Promotions – Robyn Meloni
082 850 2109
2 Wellington Road, Westville
(please contact the abovementioned companies to make drop off arrangements)
If anyone would like to contribute financially, please get in touch with Sue Davidson – 082 772 1482